The Lonestar Solar Dealer Program

At Lonestar Solar Services we believe in cultivating a true partnership with our dealers. We recognize your expertise in connecting with homeowners and tailoring solar solutions to their needs. By handling technical aspects and project management, we enable you to focus on delivering exceptional service to your customers.

Get started
Solar panels with a beautiful gradient behind them
A graphic showing a movement icon, indicating Lonestar's industry-leading installation timelines.

Faster installs, period

Lonestar Solar is committed to delivering top-quality installations swiftly, ensuring our partners can enjoy expedited commissions.

We welcome a challenge

Where others see obstacles, we see potential. Homeowners who might have been previously overlooked due to financing hurdles or property issues will find a willing partner in us.

But that's not all:

  • Our competitive rates and minimal dealer fees empower you to offer more attractive proposals directly to homeowners.
  • We have a broad range of financing options to cover nearly every circumstance.
  • Don't let difficult roofs or shading concerns slow you down. If you've had projects turned away before, bring them to us.

Got coverage?

Lonestar Solar is proud to serve every major city across Texas, offering unparalleled access to a wide market for our sales organizations and dealers.

Grow with us

Our expansive presence means you have the opportunity to tap into diverse communities, each with its own unique solar potential.

Expand your reach across Texas

  • Our footprint in every major Texas city equips our dealers with the unique advantage of local knowledge combined with statewide reach.
  • From urban to suburban settings, you have the chance to cater to a wide array of customer needs and preferences, enhancing your ability to customize solutions and drive sales.
  • As a partner with Lonestar Solar, you gain access to a robust support network that spans the entire state.
A map of Texas showcasing every market that Lonestar Solar has a presence in
A mockup of a cell phone with the Lonestar Solar Services logo on it

Our team is one step ahead


At Lonestar Solar, we believe support is key to your success. That's why our team is operating 24/7, ready to provide the assistance and answers you need, when you need them.

From start to finish

With a commitment to responsive, personalized service, we're not just a provider; we're your partner in powering progress.

Expertise at every step

  • From market trends to technical know-how, we provide comprehensive support that enhances your sales approach and boosts your results.
  • Whether you have a quick question or need in-depth support, our team is always just a phone call away, ensuring you never miss a beat or a sale.
  • We understand that each sales organization has its unique strengths and challenges. Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, we tailor our partnership to fit your specific needs.
A graphic showcasing the incredible products installed by Lonestar Solar Services

It's easy to sell the best

At Lonestar Solar, we're committed to not just meeting, but exceeding industry standards with the quality of equipment we install.

Elevate your offerings with better equipment

Our partnerships with leading manufacturers enable us to provide tier-1 solar modules, Enphase microinverters, and top-tier racking systems. This commitment to premium equipment ensures that your customers receive the most efficient, durable, and reliable solar solutions available.

Better products = more sales

  • Offering these top-quality solutions can significantly enhance your value proposition, setting you apart in a competitive market.
  • With industry-leading racking systems and premium components, the solar solutions we install are designed for longevity.
  • Enphase monitoring app allows for real-time insights into energy production and system health, enabling proactive maintenance and adjustments.

Products that make sense

At Lonestar Solar, we believe in making solar energy accessible to everyone. That's why we've curated a diverse portfolio of financing options to suit the unique needs of every customer.

Flexibility in every sale

With an extensive range of loans, Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), and leases, we empower our sales organizations and dealers to offer flexible, tailored financial solutions.

Solutions for every household

  • Our financing options, including loans, PPAs, and leases, enables you to offer personalized financial solutions to your customers.
  • With the flexibility to match the right financial product to each customer's needs, you're equipped to increase your deal closure rate.
  • Offering a variety of financing options not only helps secure immediate sales but also builds long-term customer satisfaction and trust.
A graphic showcasing the various financial services options Lonestar allows access to
An icon showcasing the incredible partnerships formed by Lonestar Solar Services inside of the solar industry

Powerful partnerships

We collaborate closely with leading vendors, manufacturers, financial service providers, and trade associations, creating a network of excellence that underpins every project we undertake.

A better future starts here

Our relationships with top-tier manufacturers ensure that we equip your solar solutions with the latest, most efficient technology. By partnering with esteemed financial service providers, we offer an expansive suite of financing options, making solar accessible to a wider audience.

We only partner with the best

  • Our close partnerships with leading manufacturers grant us access to the latest solar technology.
  • Thanks to our relationships with top financial service providers, we offer an unparalleled variety of financing options.
  • Our active involvement with trade associations keeps us ahead of industry trends, standards, and regulations.

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